Faery Trees & Herbal Magick


Apple - To ensure good harvests, leave the last apple of your crop for the Apple-Tree-Man.

Alder - The Fey of the Alder have been described as water spirits or as "Dark Faeries". They are very protective and when they leave their trees, they are said to take the form of a Raven. The Alder is sacred to faery and elf kings. Our word 'elder' (as in 'elder' kings) is derived from its name.

Ash - Known for its healing properties, Druids' wands were made of ash twigs. Also used for protection, placing Ash berries in a cradle prevented a child from being traded for a changeling by an evil faery. In other times, weak-limbed children were passed through split ash trees which were then bound up. If the tree grew straight, the child would as well. Also may be used as a substitute for Rowan in magickal dealings.

Birch - The Birch stands out as a graceful, slender tree with a characteristic white bole. The white indicates cleanliness and determination in overcoming difficulties. This tree starts the celtic tree calendar, and so represents the energies associated with new beginnings.

Blackthorn - The blackthorn is a wintery tree; its berries (or sloes) ripen only after the first frost. It is guarded by the Lunantishee and any attempt to cut it's wood on Beltane or Samhain would be fiercely punished.

Elder - Is said to offer protection to the faeries from negative spirits. Elder trees offer protection to fairies from negative spirits and are sometimes actually witches disguised as trees. Never lay a baby in an elderwood cradle or the faeries will pinch them so they bruise.

Hawthorn - Hawthorn, also known as Witches' Tree, is one part of the sacred triad of trees that are said to be sacred to the Faery. Oak, Ash, and Thorn, when growing naturally together, create a place where it is easy to see the Fey. Hawthorns were once believed to be the transformed bodies of Witches, who had shape shifted into tree form. It is more likely that the spirit seen in the Hawthorn was that of a dryad or tree faery.

Hazel - As the Hazel is sacred to the fey, it is said that a wand of its wood can be used to call them. Celtic legend says it is the receptacle of knowledge, and in England the hazelnut is a symbol of fertility.

Oak - Legend tells us that "Faery folks are in the oaks". Oak trees are believed to provide safe havens and homes for many varieties of faery.

These trees are safe havens and homes for many varieties of fairies. Oakmen are created when an oak stump sends up shoots. One should never take food offered by them as it is poisonous. The oak derives its Gaelic name, (Old Irish daur, Welsh derw) from the Sanskrit word duir, or "door" and since trees have their roots in the unseen world, they are believed to be doors to these realms. Druids, who worshipped within sacred oak groves, derived their name from this word, combined with the Indo-European root wid, 'to know', becoming the "Wise Ones of the Oakwood."

Rowan - The Rowan has long enjoyed its reputation to protect against enchantment. Its name is linked with the Norse 'runa', a charm, and the Sanskrit 'runa', meaning a magician. The wood of the Rowan is used in butter churns so that the butter would not be overlooked by faeries.

Rowan berries were often regarded as magickal (their berries have a small pentagram at the point where they are joined to the stalk) and were said to be the food of the Tuatha De Danaan. In Scotland, fires made from rowan wood were used to protect the cattle against evil fairy spirits, and it is said that 'bewitched' horses could be controlled by a Rowan whip.

Willow - The willow fairy can be grumpy and tricky. The Hobbits in The Lord of the Rings were lulled to sleep and almost killed by Old Man Willow, and while fairies are rarely so ill- intentioned, the willow fairy is not always kindly.
The willow fairy may leave the tree at night and follow travelers, muttering and mumbling, which can be rather frightening to those who do not understand.

Willow has profound wisdom to offer, which humans rarely appreciate. It is deeply mystical and in tune with the music of the waters, all around the globe. Salicylic acid, which is used to make aspirin, comes from the willow, and the willow elves are associated with knowledge of medicinal herbs and healing.

Approached with respect, willow is a wonderful teacher and will whisper to us if we listen. It is important to be still, and to understand that human perceptions are shallow. Imagine the questing roots of willow, seeking the underground streams that flow to and from the earth-girdling oceans. Nighttime is best to commune with this spirit in meaningful dreams.


Apple - The bark of apple trees or the fruits themselves have the power to transport a true-hearted seeker to the Otherworld. Burn the bark as an offering to the Good Folk on Midsummer's night. Also used in faery love spells.

Bluebells - Said to attract faeries to dance in your garden. According to legend, one who hears a bluebell ring will soon die. A field of bluebells is especially dangerous, as it is intricately interwoven with faerie enchantments.

Clover - A sacred faery plant, clovers of all kinds will attract them. Lay seven grains of wheat on a four-leafed clover to see the Faery. Also, A four-leafed one may be used to break a faerie spell.

Cowslips - These are loved and protected by the faeries. Cowslip blossoms are said to be loved by fairies, who use them for umbrellas, and protect the plants. They also help one to find hidden faerie gold.

Daffodils - Daffodils are useful for evoking fairies and elves.

Daisy - Daisies are used in fairy magick, for working with elves or fairies. Putting a daisy chain on a child is said to prevent fairies from beguiling the child and carrying her or him away.

Elderberry - Used to make Faery wine, these berries can be burned on a fire to invite the Good Folk to a gathering. Make a homemade brew of Elderberry Wine and you are sure to have some thirsty visitors. It is said that if a human drinks the wine, she will be able to see the Faery. If a human should drink Elderberry wine from the same goblet as a Faery being, he will be able to see them forever after.

Elecampane - Elfword and Elf Dock are folk names for elecampane, an herb whose roots are used in fairy magic. Also known as Elfswort, this root can be scattered around the home to attract the Sidhe. It can be added to any magick or spell to invoke Faery blessing.

Fairy Wands - Fairy Wands (Dierama pulcherrima) are associated with Titania, Shakespeare' s fairy queen. They are used magickally to call upon the fae for help.

Fern - Ferns are favored by pixies, who are said to sometimes be found near them.

Forget-Me-Not - Forget-Me-Not flowers provide protection from fairies. They are said to help unlock the secrets of the fae, and pave the way to fairy treasures.

Foxglove - Name is derived from "Little Folks' Glove". Florets are worn by faeries as hats and gloves.

The source of the modern heart drug Digitalis, Foxglove can have seriously dangerous results if taken internally. Instead, plant Foxglove near your front door to invite the Faery in. Put a dried sprig of Foxglove in a talisman to keep you surrounded in Faery light.

Heather - Heather is said to ignite faery passions and open portals between their world and our own. It thrives in wide open spaces, and Faeries who enjoy living in such undisturbed places are said to feast on its tender stalks. The Fae of this flower are drawn to humans who are shy.

Holly - Holly berries are said to be a fairy favorite.

Hollyhock - Fairies are said to love hollyhocks, especially pink ones.

Lavender - Elf Leaf is another name for lavender, which is used in elfin magick.

Lilac - The sweet scent is said to draw Sprites to your garden.

Mistletoe - The most sacred herb of the Druids, Mistletoe is a magickal activator. In Faery spells, use a dash of Mistletoe taken on Summer Solstice to empower your workings with Faery magick.

Morning Glory - Plant morning glories in your garden to keep away hostile fairies, especially nocturnal ones.

Mushrooms and Toadstools - Mushrooms and toadstools with knobbed caps are said to be used as stools and umbrellas by small fairies. Some of the folk names for various types of fungi reflect this belief: Fairy Club, Elf Cap, Pixie Hood.

Pansies - Plant pansies to attract fairies to your garden.

Peony - Peony seeds were once used to protect children from faeries. A garland of the seeds were placed around the child's neck to keep them safe from kidnapping. In this day and age, with faery contact so drastically diminished, I doubt that anyone would want to don this faery banishing herb unless they were living smack dab in the middle of a circle of crazed Pillywiggins!

Poppies - Said to invoke the faery into your dreams.

Primrose - When planted in a garden or hung dried on the front door, primroses will attract and invite the company of Faeries into your home and to draw fairy blessings; but scattering primroses outside your door is said to keep fairies away by making a barrier that they cannot cross. If you have them growing under your care, do not let them die! The Faerie will be deeply offended by your carelessness.

Primroses were considered fairy flowers in Ireland and Wales, where they were believe to grant fairies the power if invisibility. Eating primroses is supposed to enable you to see fairies.

Touching a fairy rock with a primrose posy that contains the right number of blossoms (try five) is said to open the way to Fairyland and fairy gifts. Be cautious though, for using a bouquet with the wrong number of flowers is said to bring certain doom. Use primroses for fairy magic.

Ragwort - Used as makeshift horses by the faerie.

Rosemary - Grow rosemary, or place fresh sprigs of it about, to keep malicious fairies away. Burn dried rosemary as incense to attract the fae.

Roses - Roses attract the Faerie to a garden. Their sweet scent will lure elemental spirits to take up residence close by. Roses can be used in Faerie love spells. When performing the spell, sprinkle rose petals under your feet and dance softly upon them while asking the Faerie for their blessing on your magick.

St. John's Wort - Protects against faerie spells and is also used as a healing herb.

Thyme - Wearing thyme will increase your ability to see the Sidhe. Sprinkle it at the base of your door, and on window sills to invite the Faerie to enter your home.

Violet - Violets are sacred to the Fairy Queen, and may be used in fairy spells.

Wild Thyme - Part of a recipe for a brew to make one see the faeries. The tops of the Wild Thyme must be gathered near the side of a faerie hill.

~source unknown~

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